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organization your enterprise documents into a structured knowledge base

myKnowledgeGraph is an innovative service for the creation of large, multilingual enterprise knowledge graphs for any need.

By integrating diverse datasets such as term banks, linked data repositories, glossaries, and dictionaries, this service structures, maintains and lets you navigate your enterprise's document and term bases effectively.

myKnowledgeGraph header logo

How it works

Efficient Data Integration

Start by seamlessly integrating your existing document base as the primary input for myKnowledgeGraph. To enhance the precision and context of the knowledge graph, you can also incorporate contextual metadata for each document. This approach ensures that the system comprehensively understands and utilizes the nuances of your data, leading to more accurate and contextually relevant disambiguation and connections within the knowledge graph.

Efficient Data Integration base layerEfficient Data Integration illustration

Enable word sense disambiguation

Optimize the accuracy of your knowledge graphs through advanced word sense disambiguation techniques. myKnowledgeGraph utilizes sophisticated algorithms to accurately determine the most relevant meanings of words based on their context within your documents. This precision in understanding ensures that the knowledge graph reflects true data semantics, enhancing the quality and usability of your knowledge management.

Enable word sense disambiguation base layerEnable word sense disambiguation illustration

Create multilingual enterprise knowledge graph

Build and expand your knowledge graphs across multiple languages with dynamic, scalable integration capabilities. Utilizing WordAtlas, myKnowledgeGraph connects concepts and entities in a network that spans global languages, allowing for the inclusion of diverse data sources and enhancing the value extracted from them. This multilingual capacity ensures that your knowledge base is comprehensive, accessible, and highly effective in supporting global operations.

Create multilingual enterprise knowledge graph base layerCreate multilingual enterprise knowledge graph illustration
Abstract How it works representationEfficient Data Integration illustrationEnable word sense disambiguation illustrationCreate multilingual enterprise knowledge graph illustration

Use cases

Contact us

Create an enterprise tailored knowledge graph

myKnowledgeGraph collects and integrates information from different sources, such as term banks, word clouds, dictionaries and from document bases containing raw text.
Thanks to its high flexibility, it works with domain-specific data and multiple domains.

Enable semantic AI

Knowledge graphs are the ideal solution for storing data and information in a semantic way.

Semantic AI systematizes huge amounts of data and integrates the information in an intelligent way, improving AI applications and their results, and simplifying complex problems in many different use cases.

Easily visualize and navigate your data

Data visualization makes visible how data are connected and discloses important insights, showing which nodes (i.e., concepts) are the most connected or important, the underlying semantic relations between them, and displaying apparently minor connections that can actually be important in the decision-making process or that can lead to further investigation.

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