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TraDeInterpret: A multilingual semantic analyzer of trademarks.

TraDeInterpret: A multilingual semantic analyzer of trademarks. background

The client

In this use case of TraDeInterpret, we highlight our collaboration with the prominent European institution EUIPO.

EUIPO plays a crucial role in managing the registration of an extensive array of European Union trademarks, covering a network of 27 countries. Their operations are fundamental in maintaining the integrity and recognition of thousands of trademarks across the European Union.

The client

The challenge

Trademark denominations need to adhere to a number of specific requirements in order to be registered according to national and international guidelines.

Unfortunately, a denomination may contain terms that violate established rules, resulting in the approval application to be declined. This may happen either due to descriptiveness, non-distinctiveness, or because of subtle culturally sensitive associations or connotations with a term within the trademark, that therefore constitutes grounds for the denomination to be declined.

Because the European Union has 23 official languages, applying for, and registering a trademark that falls within these established E.U. guidelines, requires the applicant evaluators to make sure that the denominations can be safely interpreted in all the languages.

The challenge

The solution

Babelscape's TraDeInterpret is a one-of-a-kind solution for performing multilingual semantic analysis and interpretation of denominations in 23 languages, in fractions of a second. This is enabled by its innovative capabilities for multilingual and cross-lingual interpretation of the trademark denominations.

The software leverages Babelscape's multilingual Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline; its seamless integration with WordAtlas: Babelscape's state-of-the-art, industrially powered, multilingual knowledge graph; and Comprehendo: Babelscape's industry recognized multilingual word-sense disambiguation model.

A SaaS product that includes an intuitive and customizable user interface and a high-performing back-end processing and delivery system, that offers cloud supported scalability for both regional, national and international offices.

The solution

How it works

For any given trademark application, users receive a semantic analysis, ranking the potential meanings of the parsed terms, that are most likely intended or conveyed by the trademark.

The tool identifies the concepts denoted by the denomination which are semantically closest to the Nice Classes and Goods and Services descriptions of the trademark denomination.

The concepts also come supported by linguistically mapped, reputable definitions from the most authoritative European publishers and institutes, as well as curated images available within the WordAtlas knowledge graph.

How it works


Babelscape's TraDeInterpret is a one-of-a-kind tool, instrumental to review thousands of trademarks.

The tool's unique capabilities and efficacy, in addressing this very complex administrative and linguistic challenge, relies heavily on Babelscape's research and product expertise in multilingual semantics.


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